Our Services
Children’s Dental
Establishing good oral hygiene habits from an early age, is key to setting up your child with a lifetime free of dental problems. These beneficial dental habits will help prevent early childhood decay in the developing teeth. Regular dental examinations will detect any oral abnormalities during these critical years of development and assist in correcting them. They will allow us to educate and motivate children into looking after their teeth and gums.
The first visits to the dentist can start from a young age and are encouraged as children develop their first teeth. At your child’s regular dental visits we examine their teeth and gums for good oral health. In the event a child develops dental disease such as tooth decay, gum infection or any other abnormal dental development, rest assured that with early detection most issues can be rectified quickly and easily with minimal if any discomfort.
Child Dental Benefit Scheme (CDBS) Accepted
The Commonwealth government with Medicare offers the Child Dental Benefit Schedule (CDBS). The CDBS supports families in accessing dental care for children aged between 0 to 17 years. For a child to be eligible they must qualify for Medicare, the family must receive Family Tax Benefit Part A or a relevant Australian Government payment.
Eligible children can receive up to $1095 worth of basic dental services over 2 calendar years. Basic dental cover includes examinations, x-rays, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals and extractions. Cosmetic dental treatment is not covered under this scheme.
Contact our friendly staff or Department of Human Services to check if your child is eligible.